O! A lightness, sightless and bold: oh, its tightness in these moments foretold. How did I do? Who did we fare? This cataclysmic motion, caught…
Follow me not, for nor can you find these flowers of an unborn Spring; for dancers append to the Earthly hue the lights of lingering,…
Since documentation furthers, doth you decree, then this thought feathers truly only you, exiting me. Cents not discarded, and lenses not unbare, will add that…
Should my heart no longer throb, our breathing still, your being long for echoes gone, the thoughts abscond ‘fore the pas de deux en tournant:…
Count on these hours to pirouette and fall into places unmentioned, continuous, extolled as sunken cities’s tale, like soaking highways raw with tears from the…
I might tissue up before a missive decree to seal up the fates injuriously deemed to be my own, contagiously at the least, as no…
Ring us evenly in this final coming, the next beginning of a fish unwinding its languidity out, its electric spin running through the waves as…
If I were to recall those burning pains, it shrinks from me who provided the heat, how it was welded only to fracture at that…
If this is a nightmare, then what rides on its tail mangled between those vessels, traffic stalled, derailed like those final steps, the mile not…
If mirrors were liars, if neurons were cowards, I’d not be so quick to escape with the dower of that murky dream’s promise of weddings…
As some things are forgotten to make much more room for this swelling brain, cased and unnormalizably doomed to repeat this facet until I get…
I’ll donate you this moment here, as I stand crying silently in a room full of commotion over a poor fool who’s coccyx caught a…
When the tempest conjures, let there be just a moment where you can reflect as a movietime montage, compiled-fast into those blinking moments before you…
Agnyte, like yellowing eyes half- shut-up with jaundiced doubt, I turn back to you as one waif to another, as one wandering flout might emerge…