Follow me not, for nor can you find these flowers of an unborn Spring; for dancers append to the Earthly hue the lights of lingering,…
Should my heart no longer throb, our breathing still, your being long for echoes gone, the thoughts abscond ‘fore the pas de deux en tournant:…
For each tooth you forgo under a laughy pillow, for every instance of blood familially thrown at that crack, the gush, your yielding toe nailed…
Each gulp of death casts its moment deep into gullies, gaps like torrents easing into place; appeasing this space with the rhythms exchange, not long dormant…
Lingering here still I sense that blackness lingering there will it lapse to sadness as only those reasoned to kindness know not why the bell…
To be vulnerable is to ask for contest, beg for Violence with its mate, Death, to invite them inside for tea and biscuit.…
If this is a nightmare, then what rides on its tail mangled between those vessels, traffic stalled, derailed like those final steps, the mile not…
You called to tell me something about whiskey, those kinds of lessons gleaned from fermentation in the hot sun before a cold winter spent in…
When the tempest conjures, let there be just a moment where you can reflect as a movietime montage, compiled-fast into those blinking moments before you…
Never have I known someone to smile so wide– discerning and kind of like those moments that we spent taming our brains to recognize structures,…
When I die, I want your hands on my eyes: I want the light and wheat of your beloved hands to pass their freshness over…